Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Timothy Calvin Taylor

Timothy was born at a really busy time to say the least. We had just moved here, and Jacob was just about to start his first semester. I didn’t want to switch doctors so late in my pregnancy, so we talked to the doctor about possibly scheduling an induction.  I had gestational diabetes with Timothy too, so I knew that I was most likely going to be induced anyway. He said that is everything goes well he can induce me on the 1st of Feb. (a week before my due date and 3 days before Jacob starts school). This was perfect because then I could have the weekend to recover and my dad could watch Jonas.
So Thursday night we drove down and stayed the night at dad’s house and then left early in the morning to be at the hospital at 6 AM. I know that sounds early, but at this point it could not come soon enough. They hooked to up to everything in the room (the IV was the worst! UGH Hate it!) and then a few hours later the doctor came in, broke my water, and started me on Pitocin. I thought it was all happening very fast and when I said something to the doctor he looked at me and said “Well, we are here to have a baby aren’t we?” It was at that moment that I realized I was going to be a mom of 2! I was excited and scared and anxious all at the same time.
An hour into the “labor” I turned to Jacob and said “I think I’m supposed to be feeling something”. I had been through labor before I knew that I was supposed to be having contractions but I didn’t feel anything. Jacob looked at the monitor and told me that I was having them. They were not very strong but I was having them. Then about hour later THEY CAME, hard and strong and so I quickly asked for the epidural. They made Jacob leave the room which was a little scary but it turned out to be fine. So an hour and half later (this is about 3 and half to 4 hours into labor) Jacob decides he is going to have an early lunch. So I’m there all by myself and I have start to have a strong urge to push. I waited to see if the nurses come in, but it gets really strong. Finally they come after what felt like an hour (really it was about 15 min) and I tell them I think have to push. So they check me and say “Oh, yep you’re ready to push. I’m touching your baby’s head.” They stepped out to call my doctor and Jacob came in and I told him we were ready to have the baby. I pushed for about 15 min. and then our baby was born.
Timothy Calvin Taylor was born 2 PM Friday Fep. 1st. 9 lb.s 4 oz. 21 inches long. I guess that is what happens when you don’t stick to your diet. ‘it was at first site and ‘I love my little boys so much. I can not imagine my lie without them.

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